How do I register with Fingo

About Fingo

Written by Judith Bogonko
Updated over a week ago

Once you have successfully downloaded and installed the Fingo app, proceed to register as below:

  1. On the app, click on ‘Sign Up’

  2. You either skip the next process that comes on your screen or read through

  3. Click on the terms and conditions then read through. Use your ''back'' button to get to the previous window

  4. Choose your country and then enter your phone number, beginning with your country code, e.g +254 for Kenya

  5. Click on the box to agree to our terms and conditions

  6. Then click on ‘continue’

  7. An OTP pop-up appears. Manually key in the OTP to verify your phone number

  8. Provide personal details needed. i.e Email, username, and gender, then create your unique pin.

  9. Once you are off the waiting list, verify your account by submitting a clear picture of your ID and a short selfie video; then key in your KRA pin.

Your account will be ready for use immediately after verification

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