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Verification Overview
Verification Overview
Written by Judith Bogonko
Updated over a year ago

What is verification?

Fingo uses a fully digital verification process to create your account. Our verification uses a photo of your document(s) and a liveness check (selfie) to verify you. After you upload your document(s) we do a series of checks to ensure you are eligible to open a Fingo account.

The first check we do is with the IPRS, the Kenyan government's database that holds all ID, Passport and Foreign ID information. We use this check to verify that your document, name, and DOB are valid and recognized by the Kenyan government.

The next check that we do is on the sanctions and PEP list check. We check your name against the CIA, FBI, Interpol, UN and other local and internationally recognized lists to ensure there are no sanctions linked to you. Due to Central Bank of Kenya regulations, any person on these lists is disallowed from opening an account, unless given special permission.

The final check that we do is a liveness check. This check is in the form of a selfie video and checks for 2 things. The first part of the check is making sure your face matches the documents provided. The second part is to ensure you are alive and someone else is not trying to open an account on your behalf.

Why we do verification?

Fingo does verification to ensure the safety of you and the other Fingo users. We use the checks to verify the legitimacy of our users' documents and that they have not altered or falsified them. We also use the checks to make sure our users are not on any sanctions lists and involved in any illegal activity. Finally, we use these checks to make sure the person creating the account is the same as the holder of the documents and that they are alive.

We also do verification to be compliant with our banking partner and Central Bank of Kenya.

How to do verification
To do verification you will need two things. Your identifying documents (Kenyan National ID or Kenyan Passport) and your beautiful smile!

Instructions for document verification:

  1. Make sure you are in a well-lit area and don’t use the flash or your verification will be delayed or unusable.

Instructions for the liveness check:

  1. Ensure you are in a well-lit area.

  2. Do not have any face-coverings.

That's everything you need to know on Fingo's verification!

Go to verification.

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